Washington, DC
Come and see us discuss/participate/present at The SREE Spring 2017 Conference on March 1-4, 2017 in Washington, DC
Wednesday March 1, 2017
Workshop C: The Stanford Education Data Archive: Using Big Data to Study Academic Performance
Sean F. Reardon, Stanford University
Andrew D. Ho, Harvard University
Benjamin Shear, University of Colorado - Boulder
Erin Fahle, Stanford University
Thursday March 2, 2017
Panel: 1C. Effects of Educational Policies Panel From Student School Assignment to after School Programs and College Completion: How Three Research-Practice Partnerships Evaluate Local Conditions and Provide Support to Practitioners
Sean F. Reardon, Stanford University
Engaging Teachers: Measuring the Impact of Teachers on Student Attendance in Secondary School
Jing Liu & Susanna Loeb, Stanford University
The Teacher Executive Functioning Modeling and Scaffolding (TEMS) Protocol: Implications for Understanding Academic Achievement
Sarah Bardack & Jelena Obradović, Stanford University
Compensatory Effects of a Preschool Intervention for At-Risk Chilean Children: Moderation by Pre-Academic Stimulation
Jenna Finch, Stanford University, and Hiro Yoshikawa, New York University
Friday March 3, 2017
Mediators of the Effects of New York City's Small High Schools of Choice on Ninth-Grade Progress toward Graduation
Howard Bloom*, Rebecca Unterman, & Pei Zhu, MDRC, Sean F. Reardon, Stanford University, and Fatih Unlu, RAND
Instruction in Virtual Classrooms: How Faculty Affect Student Performance in Online College Classes
Eric Bettinger & Lily Fesler, Stanford University, Lindsay Fox, Mathematica Policy Research, Susanna Loeb, Stanford University, & Eric Taylor, Harvard University
Keynote Address - Studying Educational Opportunity and Inequality with Big Data
Sean F. Reardon, Stanford University
Executive Functioning Skills Mediate Associations between Classroom Quality and Academic Achievement in Elementary School
Jenna Finch & Jelena Obradović, Stanford University
Relative Age and the Achievement of Elementary School English Language Learners: Evidence from a Policy Intervention
Christopher Doss, Stanford University
The Role of Teacher and Student Race in Predicting At-Risk Behavior Ratings on a Behavior Screener
Ericka Weathers, Stanford University
Understanding Changes in Racial Achievement Gaps during Elementary and Middle School
Josh Gagne & Erin Fahle, Stanford University
Teacher Rankings of Executive Function: A High-Quality, Low-Cost Alternative to Rating Scales?
Michael Sulik, Jenna Finch & Jelena Obradović, Stanford University
Group Assessment of Executive Functions in the Classroom Context: Implications for Academic Achievement
Jelena ObradovićJenna Finch, & Nicole Strayer, Stanford University
Saturday March 4, 2017
Effectiveness of Interactive Distance Instruction: Experimental Evidence from Ghanaian Primary Schools
Jamie Johnston, Stanford University, and Christopher Ksoll, Mathematica Policy Research