Associate Policy Researcher, RAND Corporation

Christopher Doss completed his doctorate at the Stanford Graduate School of Education in June 2017 where he was affiliated with the Center for Education Policy Analysis. He received his B.S. from Brown University in Chemistry, his Ed.M. in teaching at the secondary level from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and his M.A. in Economics from Stanford University. Christopher’s dissertation focused on causal evaluations of early childhood policies and interventions. Two of his papers analyzed the effect of a new state-mandated early childhood education program in California. His third paper looked at how to improve texting interventions that encourage parents to the support the literacy development of their kindergarteners. In addition to early childhood education, Christopher is interested in how educational technologies can be used to improve student outcomes, personalize learning experiences, and test pedagogical approaches to education. He also has work on the effect of K-12 accountability policies. He specializes in using quantitative methods and causal inference to field policy relevant research. Christopher is currently an Associate Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation.