Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University

Ericka is interested in the impact of structural inequality on racial disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes. Her recent work examines racial disproportionality in school discipline, academic achievement, special education, and school finance. While at Stanford, Ericka has worked in partnership with a California school district to help answer high priority and actionable research questions; mentored first and second year doctoral students as a part of the Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education program; served as a doctoral student representative on the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Interdisciplinary Policy Studies Area Committee; and served as a teaching assistant for quantitative and theoretical courses on educational inequality. Prior to Stanford, Ericka worked as a researcher in the Division of Public Behavioral Health and Justice Policy at the University of Washington. She conducted evaluations of education, mental health, and justice programs and policies in order to improve services and outcomes for children and families.