Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver, CO
Come see us at The 2019 Fall APPAM Research Conference on November 7-9, 2019 at Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel | Denver, CO
Thursday November 7, 2019
Panel paper: A Decade of Growth in Academic Achievement Gaps: Common Core, Segregation, or Other Factors?. Rebecca Hinze-Pifer, University of Illinois and Sean Reardon, Stanford University
Panel paper: Uneven Progress: Trends in District-Level Opportunity. Carrie Townley Flores, Kaylee Matheny, Marissa Thompson and Sean Reardon, Stanford University
Panel paper: Vanished Classmates: The Effects of Local Immigration Enforcement on School Enrollment. Mark A. Murphy and Thomas Dee, Stanford University
Panel paper: Pathways to Inequality: Segregation and Racial Disparities in School District Expenditures. Victoria E. Sosina, Stanford University and Ericka S. Weathers, Pennsylvania State University
Panel paper: Connecting Students with Financial Aid: Evidence from a Field Experiment. Bridget Terry Long, Harvard University, Eric Bettinger and Monica G. Lee, Stanford University
Panel paper: Unpacking the Water Crisis: Evidence from Flint, Michigan on the Causal Effects of Lead in Drinking Water on Child Educational Outcomes. Sam Trejo, Stanford University, Gloria Yeomans-Maldonado, University of Michigan, Brian Jacob, University of Michigan, Eric Schwartz, University of Michigan, Jacob Abernathy, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Jared Webb, University of Michigan
Saturday November 9, 2019
Panel paper: What Does Free Community College Buy? Early Impacts from the Oregon Promise. Oded Gurantz, University of Missouri
Panel paper: Promise Program Impacts on Enrollment, Graduation, and Debt. Lily Fesler, Stanford University and Matea Pender, The College Board
Panel paper: Local Promise Programs and Employment Dynamics. Brad Hershbein, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Nathan Sotherland, W.E. Upjohn Institute for
Employment Research, Edward Smith, Kresge Foundation, Jing Cai, University of Maryland, and Lily Fesler, Stanford University
Panel paper: Validation Methods for Aggregate-Level Test Scale Linking: A Case Study Mapping School District Test Score Distributions to a Common Scale. Andrew D. Ho, Harvard University, Demetra Kalogrides and Sean Reardon, Stanford University
Panel paper: The Unwavering SES Achievement Gap: Trends in U.S. Student Performance. Eric Hanushek, Stanford University, Paul E. Peterson, Harvard UniversityLaura M Talpey, Stanford University, Ludger Woessmann, ifo Institute, and M. Danish Shakeel, Stanford University
Panel paper: The Role of Philanthropy in Public Education: The Case of the Broad Foundation. Thomas Dee, Stanford University, Susanna Loeb, Brown University, and Ying Shi, Syracuse University
Panel paper: It’s about Timing – When Does Supporting Parents Work Best?. Kalena Cortes, Texas A&M University, Hans Fricke, Stanford University, Susanna Loeb, Brown University, David S. Song, Stanford University, and Ben York, Parent Powered
Panel paper: The Population Response to Changes in Passing Standards for Teacher Candidates. Heather Buzick, ETS and Lief Esbenshade, Stanford University
Panel paper: s Effective Teacher Evaluation Sustainable? Evidence from DCPS. Thomas Dee, Stanford University, Jessalynn James and James Wyckoff, University of Virginia
Panel paper: Building City-Wide Systems of Opportunity for Children: Initial Lessons from the By All Means Consortium. Jessica C. Boyle, Stanford University and Lynne Sacks, Harvard University