Washington, DC
Come and see us present at SREE's Spring 2013 Conference on March 7-9, 2013 in Washington, D.C. Here is a list of CEPA presentations:
March 7, 2013
How Late Is Too Late? The Influence of Summer Outreach on FAFSA Completion and College Enrollment for the Uncommitted High School Graduate
Laura Owen, Johns Hopkins University, Eric Bettinger, Stanford University, Bridget Terry Long, Harvard University, and Phil Oreopoulos, University of Toronto
Using Subjective Teacher Evaluations to Examine Principals' Personnel Management Priorities
Benjamin Master, Stanford University
March 8, 2013
Estimating Achievement Gaps From NCLB-Type Data
Sean Reardon, Stanford University, and Andrew Ho, Harvard University
Between-State Variation in Achievement Gap Patterns and Trends, 1990-2011
Kenneth Shores & Rachel Valentino, Stanford University
Left Behind? The Effect of the No Child Left Behind Legislation on Academic Achievement Gaps
Sean Reardon, Erica Greenberg, Demetra Kalogrides, Kenneth Shores & Rachel Valentino, Stanford University
The Effect of High-Stakes Accountability Tests on Children's Socio-Emotional Outcomes
Camille Whitney, Stanford University
Can Information and Counseling Help Students From Poor Rural Areas go to High School? Evidence from China
Prashant Loyalka, Stanford University, Chengfang Liu, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Yingquan Song, Peking University, Hongmei Yi, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Xiaoting Huang, Peking University, Linxiu Zhang, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Yaojiang Shi, Xibei University, James Chu & Scott Rozelle, Stanford University
Minimum Wage and Community College Attendance: How Economic Circumstances Affect Educational Choices
Betsy Williams, Stanford University