Washington, DC
Come and see us discuss/participate/present at SREE Spring 2016 Conference on March 2-5, 2016 in Washington, DC
Mapping U.S. School District Test Score Distributions onto a Common Scale, 2008-2013
Sean Reardon & Demetra Kalogrides, Stanford University, Andrew Ho, Harvard University
MOOCs Feasibility Study: Demand among Teachers in Rural Ghana
Jamie Johnston, Stanford University
The Impacts of Introducing Accountability: Evidence from a Randomized Field Trial in Vocational Schools in China
Prashant Loyalka, Stanford University, Guirong Li, Henan University, Hongmei Yi, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Natalie Johnson & Henry Shi, Stanford University
Using the MSMM-IV Model to Estimate Mediator Effects When the Exclusion Restriction Is Invalid
Sean Reardon, Stanford University, Fatih Unlu, Abt Associates, Pei Zhu, MDRC, and Jane Furey, Abt Associates
Welfare Adjusted Scale Score: Method toward the Development of an Equal-Interval Welfare Scale
Kenneth Shores, Stanford University
Panel: Addressing Quandaries in Early Education through Research-Practice Partnerships
Moderator: Laura Wentworth
Panelists: Carla Bryant, Faith Connolly, Chris Doss, Perry Gorgen, Jeffrey Grigg
Between-District Test Score Variation, 2009-2012
Erin Fahle & Sean Reardon, Stanford University
Home Environment Quality Mediates the Effects of an Early Intervention on Children's Social-Emotional Development in Rural Pakistan
Jenna Finch & Jelena Obradović, Stanford University, Aisha Yousafzai, Aga Khan University
Are Early Childhood Disparities Narrowing? The Changing Nature of Early Childhood and Its Link to Narrowing School-Entry Achievement Gaps
Daphna Bassok, University of Virginia, Jenna Finch, Stanford University, RaeHyuck Lee, Columbia University, Sean Reardon, Stanford University, and Jane Waldfogel, Columbia University
College Enrollment and Completion Among Nationally Recognized High-Achieving Hispanic Students
Oded Gurantz, Stanford University, Mike Hurwitz & Jonathan Smith, College Board
Geographic Variation of District-Level Gender Achievement Gaps within the United States
Sean Reardon, Demetra Kalogrides, & Erin Fahle, Stanford University, Anne Podolsky, Learning Policy Institute, and Rosalia Zarate, Stanford University
Test Format and the Variation of Gender Achievement Gaps within the United States
Sean Reardon, Demetra Kalogrides, & Erin Fahle, Stanford University, Anne Podolsky, Learning Policy Institute, and Rosalia Zarate, Stanford University
Patterns of Change in U.S. Gender Achievement Gaps during Elementary and Middle School
Erin Fahle, Stanford University